As part of the Center’s ongoing student engagement internship programs, the Center welcomed two more interns in June. Christin Li of Maryland joined the CSCS family as the Environmental Impact Investing Intern, and Olivia Smucker of Harrisonburg, VA, joined as the Faith Outreach Intern. Both internships are based out of Goshen, IN, with the help of our strategic partners, Everence Financial Credit Union and Mennonite Creation Care Network (MCCN).

Christin Li is entering her junior year as an Applied Economics and Management major at Cornell University, with interests in finance and international trade and development. Christin chose her major because she “always felt a heart for other people … especially the underserved” and wanted to connect to positive social change. At Cornell, she is involved with the AguaClara project, which helps provide access to safe drinking water to those who do not have access, and otherwise enjoys singing and playing guitar with friends.
More recently, Christin wanted to better connect what she was learning with positive impact and her Christian values, which lead her to the Environmental Impact Investing Internship. This is the first year the Center is providing the internship in partnership with Everence and will give Christin the chance to see up close how Mennonite values can connect with investment and what that money does once invested. You can read more about how her expectations for the summer lined up with reality in her update. In the future, Christin will also produce resources for the Center, including a guide for investing for people of faith.
Olivia is entering her final year at Goshen College in Goshen, IN, and majoring in an interdisciplinary major, which has elements of theater, communications, and psychology. While at Goshen, Olivia became interested in climate change advocacy after conversations with friends and participating in a trial run of having compost bins in student apartment buildings. She also notes that she is in a position of privilege that can be used “to make an impact on climate action and advocacy.”
Olivia was excited to find an internship in Goshen that would give her more opportunity to explore the world of sustainability. Of the internship, which is offered in partnership with MCCN, she is looking forward to integrating conversations on climate action and faith. “I think that sometimes we can get a little skittish about talking about scary issues like that; it’s easier to just ignore it and focus on less divisive issues. However, I’m a big believer in showing faith rather than just talking the talk and part of that is caring for my global neighbor.” Olivia is also glad to get professional experience before graduating from college and an opportunity to go to the MCUSA Convention in Kansas City. As part of her internship, Olivia produced materials for Convention and is producing articles for both the Center and MCCN. She adds, “I’m excited for what the rest of the summer has in store!”
The Center is grateful for all the work these interns have already done and is excited to work with them through the rest of the summer!
Christin Li joins a group of Everence Interns. Olivia poses by other students at the Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center of Goshen College.
Learn more about the Center’s Environmental Impact Investing and Faith Outreach on the Student Engagement page.
Article by Emily Griffioen
2019 Communications Intern