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Climate Futures Fellowship Application
Climate Futures Fellowship Application
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Phone number
Are you applying as an individual or a team?
A team may be up to two individuals.
If you are applying as a team, who are you applying with?
Team members must apply separately, but anything related to the project can be copied onto each application.
Country or Area of Primary Citizenship
Country or Area of Citizenship #2
Country of Primary Residence
(Including territories, dependencies, contested territories.)
If you are a citizen or resident of the United States, please indicate your race/ethnicity.
American Indian or Alaskan Native
Asian American
Black or African American
Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin
Middle Eastern or North African American
Multiracial American
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
Other race, ethnicity, or origin
Decline to answer
Please answer only if you feel comfortable. Your answer will have no effect on your application.
Date of Birth
Please enter your birthdate in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY.
Current Position or Title
If you are applying before graduation, please say student, and indicate your graduation year.
If applicable.
Highest Degree Awarded
If you are currently a student list your anticipated degree.
Primary Language
Additional Languages
If applicable.
Project Title
Short and descriptive. We will use this title to refer to your project through the application process.
Suggested Start Date
What date would you be available to start your fellowship in August 2020? Use the MM/DD/YY format.
Suggested End Date
When would you like the fellowship to end? Use the MM/DD/YY format.
Where will the project be located?
We are able to hire in Virginia, Washington DC, Pennsylvania, and Hawaii. We can provide staff support in Virginia and Washington DC. If you would like the fellowship to take place elsewhere, we may be able to hire you through another organization, such as Goshen College, or an MCC office.
Does the project require travel?
If so, please describe why.
Are there any partner organizations you are proposing this project to work with?
If so, please state which organizations, and how they would fit into the project.
Introductory Summary
Summarize your project in 1500 characters or less. Include your goals/objectives, anticipated results, and any broader significance. Think of this as the "pitch" for your project.
Please describe your special qualifications, certifications, or credentials relevant to this project.
Describe your career goals and how this fellowship will support your career now and in the future.
Describe any estimated extraneous budget costs, their reasoning, and the estimated final budget for the project.
Project Background and Relevance
Introduce your project, including the need you want to address. Tell us why the issue is important. Cite relevant literature, media coverage, or previous work where applicable. How does your project work with the Center's current goals and projects? Identify something specific about your project's contribution to climate issues.
Goals and Objectives
What do you plan to accomplish with this project? *A goal is a simple, clear, and general statement of the desired outcomes; there may be more than one goal. The objectives should be derived from the goal statement, defining specific, measurable targets; please make clear to which goal the objectives are linked.
Methodology Detail
Detail the methods you will use to complete your project and why these are the best methods. Note any special or unusual tools or techniques you plan to employ. List and describe the steps you will take to implement your approach, and provide a timeline for implementation. Indicate which populations, communities, and/or locations you will target with this project. If appropriate, specify the anticipated number of participants/subjects.
Methodology Justification
Explain why you believe the activities you have planned will achieve the result(s) you expect. Include any assumptions necessary for this project to succeed (e.g., critical relationships or external factors outside of your control).
Please describe all relevant outputs you expect to produce (e.g., data, media, etc). Describe the changes, if any, you expect to result from these outputs and specify who/what will benefit.
How do you plan to disseminate your results and to whom?
How will you evaluate your work and results? Please list the indicators you will use to monitor progress toward your goal(s). Include current baselines and expected targets, if applicable.
Please provide any relevant links for your work or project (i.e. LinkedIn, portfolio, etc).
Ethical Certification
Mark to indicate your compliance with ethical certification.
Center for Sustainable Climate Solutions (CSCS) has zero tolerance for bribery and corruption and complies with all applicable laws prohibiting such conduct including the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Fellows may not: offer or give anything of value to a government official or any other person as an incentive to, or in exchange or as a reward for, obtaining an improper advantage for CSCS; or give, offer, solicit or accept anything of value that is intended to induce the recipient to violate his/her duty of loyalty to his/her employer. All licenses, permits and other government permissions or approvals required for the project must be obtained through the lawful, legitimate process of the area where the project occurs. By submitting this application, I represent that I am in compliance with the ethical standards and codes of practice for my discipline, and specifically the requirements for projects relating to human or animal subjects. I further agree that I will practice CSCS's internal values including honesty, fairness, and transparency. Lastly, I agree that CSCS may share details about the project at the time of acceptance.