Anabaptist Collaboration on Climate Change


COVID-19 Policies


We are watching the COVID situation carefully and will update participants with any changes.

Clearly these are still unusual times, and we acknowledge that meeting during COVID is not risk-free.  However, we believe that meeting in person has advantages which cannot be replicated online.  After careful consideration, we have therefore chosen to emphasize the opportunities of having most people in the same space for this critical conversation.  

We recognize the risk inherent in meeting together during this time of COVID-19.  We are carefully outlining protocols to make this gathering as safe as possible, and to make these events a space where participants can feel comfortable being together. We will be monitoring the COVID status carefully prior to the meeting, and making adjustments as necessary.

Protocols are based on those procedures articulated by the MCC Welcoming Place.  Below are our current list of COVID protocols:

Vaccination is strongly encouraged.  We anticipate most if not all will be vaccinated at this event.  We are not asking for proof of vaccination, but do ask that you consider getting vaccinated (including a booster) for the welfare of all at this meeting.

We ask that all are tested for COVID with a rapid test prior to arrival at this event.  This will help reassure all participants about the risk of infection from others.   

Masks are required at all indoors activities, except during meals.  

Social distancing should be practiced.

Participants should contact us immediately if COVID-positive following this meeting, so that we can appropriately alert all participants.  

Participants are encouraged to contact us ( with questions or concerns at any time.  

GoalsSchedule | Registration | Resources | COVID