Be a part of the journey - Bicycle across the country in support of climate action!
The journey begins May 31.
18 Riders
3737 Miles
59 Days
And many conversations
Join the Center for Sustainable Climate Solutions as we bring attention to the climate crisis. This group of passionate young adults are crossing the country on bicycle in order to talk with communities and hear how climate change is affecting their communities. Join their journey in learning about how climate change intersects with issues which are important to people’s lives.
Interested in spending 5 days riding along with the trip, hearing from riders what they’ve learned about climate change? See here for more details.
We are grateful to our Lead Partner for the Climate Ride, Mennonite Economic Development Associates.
Additional support is generously provided by our sponsors.
Advocate Sponsorship ($5,000-$10,000)
Ruth and Timothy Stoltzfus Jost
Partner Sponsorship ($1,000-$4,999)
Steve Brenneman
Ken Neufeld, Broker Associate with London Properties, Fresno CA
Contributing Sponsorship (<$1,000)
Loren and Pat Swartzendruber
Additional support comes from the JustPax Fund, who are making the trip possible for a diverse group of riders by providing financial assistance for participants.